What is your natural talent?

Why take the test?

Talent Dynamics is the world’s leading profiling tool to grow trust and flow . Take the test to find out which of the eight talent profiles is your natural path.

Your personalized report will give you clear direction on what path to follow in your job, business and career. Why make things hard work when you can follow your flow?

Find your flow and reclaim your time by doing what you do best.

Clarify your natural path, follow the right role models, and know what to say ‘no’ to.

Understand your customers, your family and build world class teams that work in flow.

Learn when your winning formula becomes a losing formula through the cycle of time.

Join 500,000 leaders and business people who are following their flow with Talent Dynamics, and GeniusU, the leading education platform for entrepreneurs.

What do you get when you take the test?

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Which of the eight profiles are you?

Are you a Creator like Richard Branson? Naturally creative and leaving the details to others?

Are you a Star like Oprah Winfrey? Growing a brand to shine brightly on others?

Are you a Supporter like Meg Whitman? Leading from the front where people come first?

Are you a Deal Maker like Donald Trump? Where it’s all about the negotiation?

Are you a Trader like George Soros? Profiting from a great sense of timing?

Are you an Accumulator like Warren Buffett? With slow and steady winning the race?

Are you a Lord like Angela Merkel? Where it’s all about the attention to detail?

Are you a Mechanic like Mark Zuckerberg? Perfecting the system for others to use?

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Why it works

Created by Roger James Hamilton, Talent Dynamics (and it’s sister tests, Wealth Dynamics and the Genius Test) has been used by over 500,000 leaders around the world.

Why does Talent Dynamics work so well to build high performing teams?
There are similar elements within Talent Dynamics and popular psychometric tests, as they all have a common modern origin in Carl Jung’s work on archetypes. But Talent Dynamics is different in that it provides an intuitive structure, practical strategies, modern role models and a link back to the roots of profiling 5,000 years ago.

Most employees have been through the experience of taking personality tests of one kind or another. Talent Dynamics is unique compared to other personality tests in the following five ways:

Tailored to trust
Talent Dynamics doesn’t put you in a box, but highights a fomula and path specifically for you to grow trust, with role models to follow.

Synchronized to time
In fast changing times, Talent Dynamics is the only personality test which shows you how your strengths link to the cycle of time.

Intuitive and easy to follow
While many personality tests are not easy to explain to others, once you know the eight profiles and how they link to the way we create value and leverage it, it’s easy to explain and apply to others.

Linked to your flow
You can use Talent Dynamics immediately to directly grow your flow, and use the GeniusU mission to measure your flow.

Linked to team spirit
Through its link to the I Ching and the five chinese elements, Talent Dynamics links to the fifth element - spirit, your team purpose and company mission, and the question ‘why’

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on GeniusU

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